Contact us
For more information about:
Documenting Home:
Participating in the Stay Home collection at the Museum of the Home press here (button) or for further information contact Danielle Patten on dpatten@museumofthehome.org.uk
Showcasing your creative practice during lockdown (art, photography, music, other) or collecting initiative (museum, galleries and others) contact eithne.nightingale@qmul.ac.uk
Practising Home:
Participating in the research contact Annabelle Wilkins on a.wilkins@qmul.ac.uk (leading on ethnicity and migration) or Miri Lawrence m.lawrence@qmul.ac.uk (leading on religion).
Applying to be a community researcher, please press here to download the application form (closing date March 11th 2021)
Mapping Home:
Participating in or learning more about the Mapping Home initiatives contact, stayhome@rgs.org, Georgina.Endfield@liverpool.ac.uk or, Jaqueline.Waldock@liverpool.ac.uk
Sharing project related research contact Annabelle Wilkins on a.wilkins@qmul.ac.uk
Please contact Paul Jordan Faculty Communications Manager (Humanities and Social Sciences) on p.jordan@qmul.ac.uk or 07971 416 702 or
Alison Blunt, Project Lead on a.m.blunt@qmul.ac.uk